1838年4月21日 John Muir 約翰·繆爾


瞧不起書本的,也只有像這樣的人物了!( 恕我斷章取義 ) 連我輩嗜書之人,也不得不信服他說的話:「 I have a low opinion of books; they are but piles of stones set up to show coming travelers where other minds have been, or at best signal smokes to call attention ... No amount of word-making will ever make a single soul to know these mountains ...  One day’s exposure to mountains is better than cartloads of books.」

「Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. 每一個人對美的需要,不亞於麵包;需要有地方休憩及祈禱,讓大自然平復他的創傷,給與他的肉體及心靈力量」

「The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well as our souls, and every bird song, wind song, and; tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings our love. 你要讓陽光灑在心上而非身上,讓溪流穿越身軀而過而非從旁流過..., 白天走在群山中,夜晚頭枕芳醇之大地安然入眠,黎明在淙淙溪水聲中醒來,靜觀雲海變化,傾聽微風拂過池水時所產生的清柔細語,聞一聞陣雨後山林中特有的清香~

1947年4月21日 Barbara Lynne Park

《Junie B. Jones》系列作家,為什麼妳老愛寫 Junie B. Jones 惹禍呢?
她說:「I’ve never met a kid who didn’t get into trouble occasionally. If Junie B. went through each day being perfect, there wouldn’t be much of a story to tell. 我從沒遇過不會闖禍的小孩啊 ...」

1816年4月21日 Charlotte Brontë 夏洛特·勃朗特

以下摘自好讀出版《Jane Eyre 簡愛》作者簡介

「白朗特三姊妹:夏綠蒂(Charlotte Bronte, 1816-1855)、艾蜜莉(Emily Bronte, 1818-1848)和安(Anne Bronte, 1820-1849)三姊妹生於英國北部約克郡的牧師家庭,童年時代即失去親愛的母親,過著貧苦日子,但卻展現出過人的文學天賦,互相陶冶激勵。姊妹三人先後離家上寄宿學校,並擔任家庭教師以彌補家中經濟。1847年,夏綠蒂的《簡愛》(Jane Eyre)、艾蜜莉的《咆哮山莊》(Wuthering Heights)與么妹安的《艾格妮絲.格雷》(Agnes Grey)約同時問世,留下三部經典永饗世人。」

1959年4月21日 Tim Jacobus

《Goosebumps》系列的封面畫家,《It Came From New Jersey! My Life As an Artist》算是他的自傳書。